Developmental Permits
What you need to know .....
The Rural Municipality of Moosomin #121 has a Zoning Bylaw in place which describes when a Development Permit is needed (Bylaw 249/17 and amendments). The Chief Administrative Officer is the Developmental Officer and is responsible for the administration of the bylaw. Every person shall apply for a Developmental Permit before commencing any development within the Municipality. Although there are instances when a permit is not required (farm buildings except houses or house additions) it is the Developmental Officer's opinion that every person shall complete a Development Permit Application so that the Developmental Officer may be assured that set-backs, permissions, etc are adhered to. Section 2.5 of the Zoning Bylaw should be referred to for the exact details of Developmental Permits.
Below is a copy of the Development Permit which you can complete and return to the office either in person, mail or via email