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Bylaw Registers A register of all current and past bylaws of the Municipality
Administration Bylaw 298-21 A bylaw that lists the legislative responsibilities of the Administrator
Assessment Appeals Bylaw 255-17 A bylaw to establish a fee for appealing assessments
Base Tax Division 7 Bylaw 294-20 A bylaw to provide for the application of a base tax to municipal levy for Division 7
Borrowing Bylaw 270-18 A bylaw to establish a borrowing bylaw for a grader lease
Building Bylaw 188-03 A bylaw to regulate building and building activities
Civic Addressing Division 7 Bylaw 280-19 A bylaw to provide for the numbering of houses and other buildings in Division 7 (Welwyn)
Clubroot Bylaw 253-17 A bylaw to provide for the prevention, control and management of clubroot
Code of Ethics Bylaw 299-21 A bylaw to regulate council and council committee's code of ethics
Control of Dogs Bylaw 267-18 A bylaw to provide for the control of dogs running at large in the municipality
Council Procedures Bylaw 308-22 A bylaw to regulate proceedings of municipal council & committee meetings
Dispensing of Mailing Assessment Notice Bylaw 254-17 A bylaw to dispense with the mailing of assessment notices unless a change has been made
Expenditure Bylaw 256-17 A bylaw for the processing of payments in a timely manner and meeting legislative deadlines
Fire Agreement RM 151 Bylaw 304-21 A bylaw to provide for the entering into an agreement with the RM of Rocanville for the provision of fire protection services
Fire Ban-Advisory Bylaw 305-21 A bylaw to enact a fire advisory or fire ban
General Penalty Bylaw 300-21 A bylaw to establish penalties for contravention of bylaws
Heritage Division 7 Bylaw 284-19 A bylaw for the continued municipal designation of heritage properties in and for Division 7 (Welwyn)
Heritage - Rotave Sanitation House Bylaw 223-12 A bylaw to designate municipal heritage property
Infrastructure Fee Division 7 Bylaw 273-19 A bylaw to establish infrastructure fees on all properties within Division 7 (Welwyn)
License for Drilling Oil Well Fee Bylaw 259-17 A bylaw to regulate license of oil and gas wells and the fees applied
Mill Rate Factors Bylaw 297-21 A bylaw to provide for the application of mill rate factors in taxation
Minimum Tax Bylaw 240-15 A bylaw to establish the minimum amount of property tax to be collected in a specific property class
Nuisance Division 7 Bylaw 272-19 A bylaw to provide for the abatement of nuisances in Division 7 (Welwyn)
Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw 248-17 A bylaw to provide goals, objectives, and policies to guide the management of the use of the land and its future development within the limits of the municipality
OCP Amendment Bylaw 265-18 A bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw 248-17
OCP Amendment Bylaw 277-19 A bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw 248-17
Open Fires Bylaw 288-19 A bylaw to regulate open outdoor fires in Division 7 (Welwyn)
Property Tax Incentives & Penalty Bylaw 247-17 A bylaw to establish incentives for prompt payment of taxes and penalties for late payment of taxes
Public Notice Bylaw 257-17 A bylaw established to provide clarity to when public notice is required prior to matters being discussed by Council
Record Retention Bylaw 260-17 A bylaw to provide procedures regarding the retention and disposal of municipal documents
Regulate Speed Bylaw 295-20 A bylaw to reduce the posted speed in specific area from the standard 80km/hr
Repealing Bylaw 302-21 A bylaw to repeal certain bylaws
Road Bylaw 214-10 A bylaw for the control of municipal right of ways (road allowances) and controls the activities that occur and penalties for infractions
Road Ban Committee Bylaw 303-21 A bylaw to provide for restricting the operations of certain vehicles on roads
Snow Ridge & Fence Bylaw 301-21 A bylaw to provide procedure for entering upon land to create and complete snow ridging/fencing to prevent snow blocking roads
Tax Certificate Fee Bylaw 258-17 A bylaw to set a fee for the request of a tax certificate
Waste Management Division 7 Bylaw 281-19 A bylaw to provide for entering into an agreement with other municipalities for the purpose of establishing a regional waste management authority Division 7 (Welwyn)
Water & Sewer Managment Divison 7 Bylaw 283-19 A bylaw for the management of the water, sewer and storm sewer utilities for Division 7 (Welwyn)
Water & Sewer Rates Division 7 Bylaw 276-19 A bylaw to regulate the use and consumption of water from the municipality's water works system and to fix the rates to be charged and to fix the rates to charged for sewer rental in Division 7 (Welwyn)
Zoning Bylaw 249-17 A bylaw to control the use and development of land in the municipality and assist in implementing the Official Community Plan
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 266-18 A bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw Bylaw 249-17
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 278-19 A bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw Bylaw 249-17
Zoning Amendment Cannabis Bylaw 291-20 A bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw Bylaw 249-17
Zoning Amendment Solar Power Bylaw 292-20 A bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw Bylaw 249-17